No mother is perfect, no mother does everything right, this is due to the fall of man, due to our sin nature! So obviously I am not going to say that "my mom is perfect," or even that she "comes as close to perfect as this side of heaven you can be." But I will say that she is perfect for me!!
God is so amazing in that He always knows what is the very best for us, even down to the minor details such as who should be our parents, and because Sherrill and Jeff Duffy are my parents they are therefore the BEST parents for me! None other would do, because those two very special people were the very people God picked to be my parents!
Therefore I can wish for none other!! So I wanted to begin this note by stating that my mother is not perfect, but that she is perfect for me!! And I praise God that He chose her for me and me for her!!
You see God had it all planned out before I was born! He knew EXACTLY what it would take to bring me to Himself! He knew that it would take me being raised by a certain Jeff and Sherrill, none other would do! It is so amazing for me to stand back and reflect on all the little details of my life and see the sovereignty of God! He is so amazing, so far above me! I am so insignificant... nothing to note... nothing for the very God of Heaven the very creator to even look on let alone smile on! And yet He stoops down and notices little and awfully sinful me! And He not only notices me but knows me better than I know myself!! I like David am compelled to say
"When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
what is man that you are mindful of him,
the son of man that you care for him?" Psalm 8:3-4
Krista was my parents first child, and she was a perfect fit for them ( again God's sovereignty must be noted here:). She was so good, all they had to do when her sinful nature reared its ugly head was to give a stern look (just one) and she would start crying and stop whatever sinful action she was taking.
MY parents were just young pups then (in fact my dad was my age exactly!!! Hard to believe it!).
Anyway they were really young and my dad was still in college when Krista was born. So when I was born I can almost bet that they were expecting me to be just the same way as Krista! But boy were they wrong!! God must have a sense of humor, for He really through them a curve ball in giving them me!
Krista and I are as different as night and day! Where she was good and sweet, I was mischievous and a tyrant! It took a lot of force to get me to do what they easliy got Krista to do! So I can only imagine how hard it must have been for my mother! And yet I always remember having great patience with me! Oh yes I tested her waters, but somehow she always managed to keep those waters calm and peaceful!
Then Joe came, her first and precious son. What patience had she with his countless window breakings, and boyish antics of catching frogs and bugs and the like, and all the trouble we got into together.
And she thought she was to be only a mother of three. But as Joseph left toddler age and went into a young child she yearned for yet another. I remember when she told us she was pregnant, we were elated! For by this time we were old enough to understand (I was only three when Joe was born, so I really did not remember it).
Her and dad called us into his office at Fellowship Baptist in Des, Moines where he was the associate pastor at the time. And she showed us the test, Krista always having been interested in babies knew exactly what those lines meant, I was confused as was Joe, but after some explanation the room filled with our screams of joy as we jumped up and down. Dad of course in his usual manner looked on with joy as did mom.
But that happiness was cut short, as we lost that precious babe. Long about December we had a visit to the doctor and no heart beat could be heard. Little Joshy had gotten the cord wrapped around his kneck and he passed away before we could see his beautiful face. But one thing we know he will never stray from his Lord for he is always at his side in heaven!
For awhile we took time to heal from that. We were all so excited and then had our hopes cut short. But God knew exactly what He was doing and He had perfect reasons as to calling Joshua home, and I would not have it any other way.
Mom got pregnant once again, this time we were excited yes, but there was that unsaid apprehension of if we would lose this one two. But God in His matchless grace granted to us Andrew. The precious miracle boy was a wonderful delight to us all, but especially Joe, for now he had a playmate…well sort of.
The next two years were honestly some of the craziest years of our lives! Little did we know that when mom and dad said “four no more” that God would throw us a couple curve balls! Funny how we think we have things figured out then God says “Nuh-uh!”
Just fourteen months after little Drew was born, Caleb came into the world! And he was a mama’s boy from the start. Dad held him first and he cried and cried until he was in mama’s arms then all crying ceased, and to this day he is not ashamed to admit that mama still is really the only one who can calm him!
Then shortly after Caleb God surprised us again with the blessing of another little girl! Our precious Breanna was born! She has been full of life right from the start!
Boy were those some crazy years weren’t they mama? Three small children…the countless diapers…bottles…tussles…sleepless nights! It truly was crazy! But somehow you corralled all us kids! Homeschooling us, cooking for us, being a wonderful wife (Pastor’s wife at that!). It is hard to believe all the things you did and still do! Thankyou!
She has always been resourceful, and well organized. I took it for granted her choice and dedication to homeschool all six of us kids! She has always been loving, the one who I can go to with a problem and who always was ready to dry that tear, to guide and direct in loving ways! She has always been that good listening ear, to this day I still call her at least once a day to check in and tell her of what is going on!
So here’s to you mom! Thankyou for reflecting Jesus Christ! Thankyou for faithfully rearing my heart towards Him! Thankyou for being the one who lead me to Him that February eve when I was but four!
Thankyou for being the precious mother of:
Krista Michelle (Tee)
Bethany Renae (Boobopper)
Joseph Aaron (Pud)
Joshua (Heavenly child)
Andrew Levi ( Rubber Duck)
Caleb Scott (Drool Bucket/mama’s boy)
Breanna Kae (Pooka Butt/ nana)
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