Saturday, December 4, 2010

Apples at the top of the tree..tired of waiting?

As promised to Abby Perrigo this is the “ Apple Tree” scenario.
I got this as a forward on email a long long time ago ( and sadly I never saved it ) but have never forgotten it, its message is so true and teaches a great lesson that I think even you married couples and older folks forget!
Now please let me know if I make a mistake those of you who have read this scenario through email before ( cause I am going entirely by memory) I won’t be offended cause I need to correct it if I am wrong and of course I can’t tell it as good as the person who penned it ( God bless them whoever they are ) so I apologize for my falling short I hope you enjoy despite that.

Now us girls in this scenario are Apples in an orchard who
Boys come and pick out.
But sadly the “ good apples” are at the way top of the tree and most boys are too lazy to come get them ( or too afraid or maybe they have just not taken a look upward) so they take the “ easy” apples at the bottom of the tree or on the orchard floor. And the good apples just stay there growing brighter and better each day just waiting for that good man who is willing to grab that ladder and do the extra work to come and get those good and juicy apples. Problem is those apples at the top grow weary and even jealous of those apples at the bottom who get picked all the time and who have guys even sometimes fighting over them while they just sit there at the top watching all the easy ones get taken.

Sadly this is the way it is with a lot of you girls. A lot of you girls are those really good apples ( or as my dad would say “ gems”) who are just waiting at the top of the tree. Waiting for that good gentle man to come and get you.
And maybe you are getting tired of waiting for that guy, or maybe a guy has taken you from the tree ( has taken that extra work to get you) but then just placed you back up there again.

Either way the point I want to make is what my dad told me one difficult night. This evening had started out a little normal, my parents had gone out and had left Joe and I in charge of the children ( Krista was at a friends)
The phone rang, so me being the eldest answered it. Turns out it was my mom telling me that Jesse liked Krista and was looking to “ date “ her.

Now this first off came as a shock to my family and I because Jesse had never shown any signs that he even liked her. ( it just so happens that this was the exact way that it occurred with him and I too,... he is such a shocker.) Anyway after hearing this I remember mentally telling myself to “ hold it together” because I was not about ready to
cry in front of my siblings. So I held it in ( I was very jealous of Krista at this point cause she had someone “ who liked her and I did not.”) So I as I said held it together until my parents came home.

Then as soon as they came home they began talking about it ( with me and the younger kids).
I remember I started to cry and immediately ran to my room ( I am not one to cry in front of people if I do not have to) and of course my parents came to my room and tried to talk to me. I proceeded to cry and tell them that I had never had any guy like me ( which was true for the most part) and that I felt I would never find anyone… when my dad stopped me in the middle of my selfish complaining and said something I will never forget.
He told me something that changed my whole perspective on Krista dating Jesse and even changed my perspective on waiting patiently for whatever God has for me.

He said “ you know what Bethany, in order to get the blessing of marriage you must give it up first and be willing to be single.” He also said that I was a gem and that I needed to wait for the guy that God would bring along to me ( if he brought one ) and that I needed to have patience.
Boy did that stop me in my tracks. Here I was 15 to 16 years old and already I was getting impatient with waiting ,and maybe you are in the same boat.

Maybe you are tired of waiting… maybe you feel like you will never find that guy that God has for you.
Just remember that in order to receive the blessing of marriage you must be willing to be single first ( in that you are willing to wait for Gods timing and what He has for you because not all people are called for marriage). Remember to “ Wait on the Lord”, and remember that He has a purpose and a plan for you and He will finish the work He has begun in you.

Maybe it is a trial for you to wait, just remember that through this test if you handle it the correct way you will be brought closer to God and you will have more patience.

We do not have much time here on earth in fact in the psalms our time is referred to as a vapor in the wind and just like the casting crowns song says “ here today and gone tomorrow.” We need to remember the words penned by the psalmist of psalm 90:12 “ So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts to wisdom.”

Would you want to waste your time on earth in impatience for the future?
Or would you rather do what Paul encourages us to do in the NT
“ Redeeming the time.”

Would you want to waste your little vapor of time here worrying about your future or about something in your life? Or would you rather “ Cast your burdens on God” and trust Him with your future after all he is in control of your future and He knows best.

Isaiah 40:31 “ Those who WAIT upon the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up on wings like eagles they shall run and not grow weary they shall walk and not faint.”

How often do we forget the WAIT part of this verse? How often do we get bogged down by the worries of this life when we could hand it over to God and could be soaring like an Eagle?
How often do we run for a while and then we begin to worry and then get so tired that we just give up all together and begin to falter?

All this happens because of our lack to “ Cast our burdens” on God, because of our lack to really fully trust God with our future. We say we trust Him but do we really?

Proverbs 3:5-6 “ Trust in the lord with all thine heart and lean not on thine own understanding in ALL thy ways acknowledge him and HE SHALL direct thy paths.”
I was leaning on my own understanding that night that I cried to my parents about Krista dating Jesse. To my understanding I should have already of had a guy and had been dating but I was forgetting to acknowledge God in that area of my life to acknowledge His authority and that it all would be done in His way in His perfect timing. And when I finally learned that God did bring a guy along and it just happened to be Jesse who I thought that I never had a chance with him and he thought the same in fact before we even dated Jesse prayed for a girl like me and that is just what God gave him.

God works in mysterious ways and his ways are “ higher than mine” Jeremiah 55:8-9. And I can tell you that you will have a much more enjoyable time if you would just WAIT for Gods timing in the area of your future long term or short term , our lives are way to short to waste it on worrying about our future

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