I usually always get some extra reading time in my Bible at work and i write down verses and thoughts that i have to go with it this is just a few pages i have written down and i hope that you find some encouragement from them!
Psalm 103:3-4
" Who ( God) forgiveth all your iniquities; who heals all your diseases:
who redeemeth your life from destruction: who crowneth you with loving kindness and tender mercies."
These verses go right along with my other note that
i wrote on here about my struggle with Bullimia.
I Was headed for " Destruction" ( even death)
when God redeemed me from all that and showed me His loving kindness and mercy and helped me out of that terrible sin! ( you can read my story of His redemption in my life in my other note on here entitled " MY secret").
But even more importantly than redeeming me from my sin struggle is that He has redeemed US ALL from sin !!
You may not have a story like mine with bullimia but if you are saved you DEF. have a story of Gods redemption through His son!
God has chosen to "forgive all of our iniquities "and has " Reedemed us
from our terrible disease of SIN"!
How often do we take this for granted?
How often do we thank God for sending His son?
How often do I thank God for just another day to live?
How often do I try to sit down and fathom how much
God has done for me? and then thank Him for it? We thank people all the time for just these little acts of kindness that do not cost nearly as much as what it cost God to give His only son!
Psalm 103:8-10 talks about how God is merciful and it speaks of His graciousness and how He is slow to anger and how He does not
keep His anger forever and how He has not dealt with us according to our sins. Imangine if He did deal with us according to our sins?
Where would we be?
I can tell you that i would not even be alive right now!!
I feel like the psalmist in psalms 40:12-13 Who says that
"his iniquities are more than the very hairs on his head!"
How often do we really think about how much we hurt God when we sin? OR are we too worried with how we have hurt other people?
Thats my thought when i sin i usually think to myself
well what will so and so think? Well whatever happened to " WHAT DOES GOD THINK? HOW BADLY HAVE I HURT HIM?
But praise God that even though we sin time after time
and even though we are always get too caught up in what people
think verses what God thinks PRAISE Him that He does not hold that against us
and that He has not " dealt with us according to our iniquities."
We sometimes sing that song entitiled "God is so good"
and we usually associate this with children and such
but how much more meaningful does this simple song become
when looking into Gods word we and realizing all the good that
He has done that we far too often take for granted!
I have def. not been singing this song with understanding and in light of all HE has done for me.
psalm 47:7 " Sing praises with understanding." We need to be singing our songs with more understanding and true thankfulness.
I have found that the songs that i sing and listen to that talk about Sin and the forgiveness that we get through Gods son are so much more meaningful to me now then ever before because i am a terrible and Vile sinner ( like alot of the songs talk about) and how God reached down and chose to cleanse me of that and call me His own that is just to awesome i cannot even fathom !
In psalm 68:19 it talks about the "DAILY BENEFITS" that God loads us with! This struck me cause how many "daily benefits do i take for granted? Like clean air.. another day to live.. food.. clean water..
shous ( sounds like a random weird one but try walking without and then you will realize how much you take em for granted) Funny how
usually for us to even realize that we are taking something
for granted is when that something is taken away!! I know i am taking God for Granted on a regular basis and i need to do better at being thankful and expressing that thanks to Him.
This is what God has been teaching me and i hope that this has been an encouragement to you! Thanks for reading!
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