Saturday, August 13, 2011

We have what we have to give Part 2

Also another thought in this whole deal, is that I discovered a lot of areas where I struggle and really where I fail: such as really getting to know people…being an introvert it is so hard to branch out and really find out and discover people, thus this inhibits my counseling because I would say a HUGE majority of counseling is just KNOWING people! Another area where I fail is in not asking the right qs so that people will be more likely to open up. I also fail in stepping forward and asking the hard questions.
And I also failed in being “loving” in tangible ways that others can see.
You see the love languages are great in defining how we show love, and in helping us to know where we are at…but you see it cant stop there! We cant just learn what our love language is and say “yep that’s it” and allow that to define us. We never are called to just know where we are at and sit there in that same position. We are ALWAYS called to strive HIGHER!

God made love languages to spice things up, I mean come on how difficult is it when a husband keeps trying to show love to his wife in his love language instead of hers…and vice versa…it creates a lot of problems!  But more importantly He made them to create an opportunity to grow! An opportunity for us selfish and sinful and depraved humans to buck up and be used of Him to love another in the a SELFLESS way, in the way that is not our love language… “our own interest” ( Like Phil.2:4 talks about) but in a selfless way that calls for sacrifice (like 1 cor. 13 talks about).

Folks real love, is not comfortable…real love is NOT easy…real love is not usually shown in our preferred way of showing love (love language) REAL LOVE is outside of our box….outside of our comfort zones! Real love requires a sacrifice!

And my struggle in this whole failure at sr. high camp…was to wallow in my shortcomings and was to just say “well I guess this is just who I am…and I guess there is no hope.”

But the moment we do that folks is the moment we cut the ties to a hope of rising above our struggles! The only way to overcome is to pick urself back up and entrust yourself to the power and strength of God (for we can do nothing on our own) and to aim higher!

So where are you at friend? Have you made something about you that wasn’t? Repent of that! Turn back to God and place your focus upward (to God) and outward to others! Realize that NOTHING you have ends with you, but rather you have what you have so that you may be able to give to those who have of need!

Or friend are you struggling with showing love in a different love language. Have you been selfish in the ways you show love. Remember real love requires a sacrifice…I mean look at God and His Son Jesus Christ…it cost them EVERYHTING! Don’t allow your love language to define you! Branch out, try all the other love languages God has made! Don’t favor one, like a parent does one of his children, rather branch out and use them all! Sacrifice requires us branching out of our “normal” our comfort zone, our favored way of showing love (love language). I believe God meant for us to learn to USE ALL of the LOVE languages not just one!

Or are you wallowing in a failure of yours (whether recent or past) realize that God has forgiven you and has given you a second chance! Take it, pick yourself up and in His strength aim higher! The moment you wallow in your falls is the moment you cut the ties to be able to rise in forgiveness! Accept the forgiveness and mercy of God, it IS ENOUGH!

I pray this was an encouragement friends!

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