Thursday, August 4, 2011

You have questions, God has answers!

Ever found yourself scrambling for answers? Maybe it was for that math test that you should have studied for, but instead played video games (if you are a guy) or talking with a friend (if you are a girl) all night long, and now find yourself with NO HELP, no book, no answers for the gazillion and one problems on the sheet of paper in front of you...your mind is shot and totally blank…you have nothing to pull from!

The amazing thing is that in the “test” of life, we don’t have to worry about having to go through it with “no book…no answers” (at least not here in America) because we have at least one (if not many!) copies of the BOOK of Books God’s Word ( guide to a life that glorifies Him!).

And even when we don’t have the actual Word, we have it memorized, and besides that we have God Himself, in the Spirit dwelling inside us, Who is ready at a moments notice (strike that He don’t even need a notice!) to give us the answers we are so desperately grasping for!

There I was the first night of the 2nd week of camp. It was my second week of jrs. So I expected it to be like the first…they know all the answers, they are “Sunday school robots” (as I like to refer to them). They don’t have too many qs about the Bible, they have it together.
But boy was I wrong! That first night of devos, I decided to do something I had never done (must have been a “God thing” for sure…and boy was I in for a surprise!)

I opened it up for questions…and WOWZERS was I ever blown away!! I mean here I am, a Bible college student…and they totally bring in the heat! They asked questions like:
“Why did God make Adam and Eve, knowing that they would sin?”
“Why does God allow Satan to tempt us?”
“How did God always exist?”
“Why does God no longer speak audibly?”
“Why did God choose to die for us?”

I took each question and carefully did my best to answer:
-“Because He wanted companionship and knew that one day there would be a solution to that sin= Jesus Christ!” (Genesis 3)
-“So that we can grow and to test us” (James 1)
-“We have a hard time comprehending God’s eternal existence because we all had a beginning…it is all we have ever known and it is thus very hard for us to fathom anything different!”
-“He no longer speaks audibly because we have everything we will ever need to know in His Word! He spoke audibly back when because they did not have all of scripture yet, nor Jesus Christ.”
-“To be put very simply because He loved us” John

Now obviously I did not use all of those exact words because they are so young and would not understand…so I did my best to take the “high things” and to bring them low enough for them to understand. And I obviously I also went into a little greater detail…that is just the “jist” of the answer that I gave.

But ultimately I just told them that our thoughts are not God’s thoughts! His ways are so much higher than ours and even the things that we do know we only know because of Him! There are something’s that we will never fully understand or know until heaven, but that is where we need to humble ourselves and accept God at His Word!

Satan can use our pride in this area, and get us to doubt God, and while it is great to think about and while these questions, there eventually comes a point where we just have to take God at His Word!

And to be quite honest, I could never have answered those questions in my own mind….my own understanding and strength….but the awesome thing is I did not have to nor do I ever have to! Yes God’s thoughts are higher than ours, but the cool thing is we can call on that God whose thoughts are higher and He ANSWERS!! WOW! What power we have at our disposal! What wisdom! No wonder Solomon says “in all your getting, get wisdom!”

So what do you do when you are asked a Q you are not ready to answer? Call on HIM!! You have questions….HE HAS THE ANSWER everytime! The knowledge you have now to even breathe and keep on living, you could not have apart from Him, so why do we try to go that “math test” just in our own wisdom? Why do we try to answer those hard questions with our own opinion?

I don’t even know!

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